Blogmas Day 6 - A Day in the Life

Blogmas Day 6 - A Day in the Life

 Welcome to the next instalment of Blogmas and our Countdown to 2024.

Today is one of my favourite washi tapes in the Advent Calendar - the foil!!

If you’re a family planner, it’s going to be the perfect addition to your bullet journal. I also think this will be a perfect one to use if you have a lot of work meetings and you like to plan down to the hour.


Also to stick with the theme of the Advent Calendar, I have added on a section for today’s goal and “must do”, to help keep you motivated each day and help with goal setting. You could even use some of the journal prompts to set goals and manifest the life you’d like!


Download the Day in the Life Printable here

What do you do to set goals? Do you write them down and do a self check-in?

You can get this washi tape and more on Sunday at 10am!

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