Blogmas Day 11 - Lists to Make

Blogmas Day 11 - Lists to Make

Blogmas Day 11, let's see what you have to share!

Or at least, what I have to share.


Today's Advent Calendar gift seems like the perfect day to share a list of ideas of lists... lots of lists!

  • Things to improve in your life - I won't get too deep in this one, as it can definitely vary from person to person! This could be as simple as anything from exercising more and eating better or do you want to work on growth and manifestation and improve on those?
  • Gift Ideas - One thing I will always have in my journal is a Gift Ideas list, we haven't even had Christmas and I already have ideas put down, I have half of my family's ideas for Gifts done and I've already got ideas for next years Advent Calendar. I love gift giving so this is an important one for me!
  • Books to Read/Movies to Watch - this can be adapted, but head back and grab the reading tracker freebie that we shared, it would be perfect for this!
  • Things to Make - As a crafter myself, this is another list I like to have. Whether I'm making gifts or I've seen something I'd like to give a go, though my ideas are lacking for any list currently!
  • Things to Do - I don't mean a to do list, I mean places you'd like to go, such as days out, or anything you'd like to visit. More of a day trip rather than a holiday! Do you want to visit Stonehenge or do you want to go shopping in Selfridges? (so random, I'm virtually pulling things out of a hat...)
  • Date Ideas - A given and one I will also be using for 2024, we've decided on an early 2025 holiday as well as a lot of things we need to just pay for and do - those boring adult things, so we're taking 2024 chilled and I'd like to plan more day dates and date nights to get us through!

The Washi Tapes in today's Advent opening are the perfect ones for checklists and ticking off those to do lists, I've been using them weekly and I love them!

Today's Washi Tapes will be available this Sunday at 10am along with the rest of this weeks gifts.

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